<Origin. Coral-4>
The beauty of the soul comes from the depths of the ocean—Kao Jen Shyue x Liang Yu Coral jointly launched (Origin. Coral-1), (Origin. Coral-2), (Origin. Coral-3), (Origin. Coral-4). The main elements of the work are coral, rainbow, and the sea: the semi-figurative corals use vermilion, deep red, and pink to correspond to coral species from different ocean depths, such as Sardinia, Aka, Momo, and Pink coral. The rainbow implies beauty, a bridge connecting the heaven and the earth; the clear ocean is the native place of coral and a safe haven for many marine life; the golden circle symbolizes the rotation of the sun and the moon. Here, the accumulation of time and the infiltration and nourishment of sea water have made the coral exquisitely colorful. Kao Jen Shyue and Liang Yu Coral interpret the beauty of coral in different ways, allowing collectors to have a feast for the soul.
The first generation Lu Ching shui of Dadongshan Jewelry started in Penghu, and the second generation Lu Liang Jiann expanded its business territory to Asia, Europe, the United States and other places. The third generation is now a representative coral jewelry brand in Taiwan. Kao Jen Shyue is a contemporary independent art creator. Her paintings have been exhibited many times in Taiwan and abroad. She pays attention to Taiwan's ecological changes and humanistic development. The two parties now jointly publish series, not only uniquely interpret coral, but more importantly exhibit the spirit and cultural heritage of Taiwan. It is their hope that collectors are not only collecting the NFT for artwork sake, but also demonstrate their cherishment for the environment.
-Three generations of inheritance in Taiwan, the reputable coral jeweler Liang Yu Coral and the contemporary artist Kao Jen Shyue collaborated for the first time.
- Liang Yu Coral is the designated jeweler by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the value-added to the coral collection is extremely high.
- Liang Yu Coral and Kao Jen Shyue signature guarantee letter is attached, along with an exclusive number.
First-hand buyers will receive the exclusive limited edition coral gift box (12.6*17.5*4.5cm) of "Origin. Coral". Please contact Liang Yu Coral (design.lucoral@gmail.com) within one month after purchase of the NFT.
Please use the NFT as the redemption voucher, and also present proof of purchase from Jcard and sign the redemption confirmation letter. Gift box cannot be redeemed after one-month post purchase. If you buy the NFT in the second-hand marketplace, you will only own the NFT, not the coral gift box.
Size | 48×33 cm
The year of creation | 2023
Version | 10
Price | USD$0 ( NT$3,000 )
※Your payment will be charged in New Taiwan Dollars (NTD)
Total Issued | 10
The remaining amount | 10
Work Number | a2023050804