img-Earth's tear

Earth's tear

In these times of change and uncertainty, people are being invaded by various unknowns: including daily information, even outbreaks of epidemics. The blond woman in the composition has a sad expression and black tears in her eyes - a woman representing the earth. Under the seemingly modern dress, she seems to be living in an avant-garde and progressive era. However, because of human selfishness and plunder, a sudden and uncontrollable pathological change like lightning occurred, which brought tears to the earth.
BNB Chain
작품 사이즈 | 810x540
제작 연도 | 2021
작품 버전수량 | 1/1
작품 가격 | USD$0 ( NT$8,000 )
※금액은 TWD로 계산됩니다
발행 수량 | 1
남은 수량 | 1
작품 번호 | 202105045-1

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