Rainbow Blessed
The creative source is the "Since Ancient Times" series of works that I exhibited at the ART fair in 2016. When I created this series of works, I mainly narrated the process of time and the change of things, so I put the pictures in my mind into static works. Because of the birth of NFT this year, I am very happy to be able to present the entire series through animation, so that the audience can feel more about my work!
BNB Chain
작품 사이즈 | 1080x1920
제작 연도 | 2021
작품 버전수량 | 1/1
작품 가격 | USD$0 ( NT$10,000 )
※금액은 TWD로 계산됩니다
발행 수량 | 1
남은 수량 | 0
작품 번호 | 202105058-1