img-The Green Stone Groove Coast

The Green Stone Groove Coast

The Green Stone Groove Coast in the painting was voted by CNN as one of the top eight secrets spot in Taiwan. The bright green algae and the blue sea set off each other. In spring, the bright green forms a dreamy green light style on the north coast. The trough, because a large piece of seaweed is attached to the stone trough, looking around, it is full of greenery. Imagine it is like a matcha tea carpet. If the sky appears colorful silk and satin dancing in the sky, the sky shines with different rays of light, and captures the beauty of the aurora.
BNB Chain
작품 사이즈 | 640x416
제작 연도 | 2021
작품 버전수량 | 1/1
작품 가격 | USD$0 ( NT$18,000 )
※금액은 TWD로 계산됩니다
발행 수량 | 1
남은 수량 | 0
작품 번호 | 202105081-1

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