Fortune Tiger
Holding FortuneTiger NFT can enjoy the following discounts:
1. 10% discount on all products (unlimited use) and free redemption [NFT limited edition postcard combination (each can only be redeemed once)], it can be redeemed by private message on wooden zone fans' page (both IG/FB).
2. For each new NFT transaction generated on the Marketplace, you can enjoy a 30% discount on all items (one use) and a 10% discount on all items (unlimited use).
After the limited product is exchanged, the NFT will be registered. You can contact fan’s page to inquire the exchange status before purchase.
BNB Chain
작품 사이즈 | 3544 × 2718
제작 연도 | 2022
작품 버전수량 | -
작품 가격 | USD$0 ( NT$500 )
※금액은 TWD로 계산됩니다
발행 수량 | 3
남은 수량 | 3
작품 번호 | 202203211