

An art piece from 2008, which utilizes various tones of red to express various types of love. CHUNG applies the use of symbolism by comparing all the living people on earth to leaves and blades of grass, while also depicting the interpersonal conveyance of emotions as sometimes clear and concise, other times muted and subdued. The artist blends a variety of techniques, such as the use of black and white, light and shadows, the contrast between red and green, thin and thick textures, and translucent layering, to conceal, mask over, or emphasize key points within the composition, resulting in a rich and colorful visual display of emotion.
작품 사이즈 | 76 x 56.5cm
제작 연도 | 2008
작품 버전수량 | 10
작품 가격 | USD$0 ( NT$10,000 )
※금액은 TWD로 계산됩니다
발행 수량 | 10
남은 수량 | 10
작품 번호 | 202211236

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