OH ! Who took my kidney?
Career Coach Benny Lee
가격 | USD$ ( NT$500 )
※금액은 TWD로 계산됩니다
한정판 | 25 봉지
양식 | Podcast
내용 | 影片 x 1
남은 수량 | 0
출시 시간 |
2022-09-22 04:00 (GMT+8)
개장 카운트다운 |
Hr Min Sec
항목 콘텐츠
I stated my real experience in Nanning when I was coerced and lured by a scam group in the past, but there are too many secrets in the last episode, so I used NFT to clear the novel. The content is partly bloody and violent, which can be regarded as art or as a Real life portraits.